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Safety Talk

7:00 am 8:00 am


Christopher Rutter is Telling It Like It Is

Christopher Rutter is Telling It Like It Is – a very raw, explicit look at the news


Safety Talk #58 – School safety in the COVID era with Ken Cook from Allegion

Pete welcomes security expert Ken Cook to share his insights on school and student safety in the COVID era. Topics discussed include student isolation, quarantining, mask mandates, vaccines and classroom security. Ken is the Director of National School Safety and Advocacy with Allegion, a leading global provider of security products and solutions. Ken Cook is […]


Safety Talk #59 – Avoid burnout by taking care of your brain’s occupational health and safety

Pete welcomes Safety Professional Pamela Cowan as they discuss how to avoid burnout, push past plateaus and occupational health and safety. Pamala is a Certified Registered Safety Professional, and NeuroChange MasterTrainer and founder of Build ReSilience – Resilience At Work. Build ReSilience mentors prominent business leaders in how to avoid burnout and the practice of […]


Safety Talk #60 – Disaster management for small business with Patrick Hardy of Hytropy

Pete welcomes disaster management expert Patrick Hardy of Hytropy to discuss a variety of disaster preparedness training programs and emergency management procedures for small businesses. Patrick Hardy is the single most innovative and accomplished disaster planning expert in the world. He leverages his decades of experience to empower large companies, small businesses, families, event planners, […]


Safety Talk #61 – Video surveillance and securing schools with Joseph Pangaro of IPVideo Corporation

Pete welcomes Joseph Pangaro to the podcast to discuss the latest developments in video surveillance technologies, securing schools, vape sensors and securing workplaces from violence. Joseph is a leading expert in security practices and has been providing threat assessments and training to schools, law enforcement and business communities nationwide. He is also a retired Police […]

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Current show

Safety Talk

7:00 am 8:00 am